Scholarships Available to Eagle Scouts

As an Eagle Scout, there are many scholarship opportunities available to you.  Some only apply if you go to a certain school, or a school in a certain state.  Others require a parent or grandparent to be a member of the granting organization.  Some require proof of need, others do not.  Be sure that your high school college counselor knows that you are an Eagle Scout and interested in special scholarships.  When you apply or are accepted by a school and you are talking to them about financial aid, ask if they have any special scholarships for Eagle Scouts.  There is a wealth of information available on the web about scholarships for Eagle Scouts.  Try your favorite search engine with "Eagle Scout" Scholarship.  The listing below is just some of the many sites with information.  Offerings, information, and web sites are constantly changing so some information may get out of date.  Let me know if you find corrections to this information.

National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) scholarships.  NESA offers several scholarships to Eagle Scouts.  The scholarships run from $2,000 to $50,000.  Applications open each year on December 1.  Deadline is January 31 of each year.  The application and information is available online at https://nesa.org/for-eagle-scouts/scholarships/.

The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution also offers the Arthur M. & Brenda King Eagle Scout Scholarships. Awards are as follows: National First Place Winner receives $10,000; 2nd Place – $6,000; 3rd Place – $4,000; 4th Place – $2,000; 5th Place – $1000; 6th thru 10th – $500; and 11th thru 15th – $200. Additional information and the application form is available at https://www.sar.org/arthur-m-berdena-king-eagle-scout-contest/, or by writing to NSSAR, 1000 South Fourth Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40203.  Pennsylvania State Society information is available at http://passar.org/Layouts/eagle_scout.htm.  The local (Philadelphia Continental) chapter information is available at https://www.pccsar.org/eagle-scout-scholarship-award.  The review process for this scholarship goes from local chapter to state society to national organization, so start at the local chapter page.

The American Legion sponsors the Scout of the Year program. One $10,000 and three $2,5000 scholarships are awarded annually.  The nominee must be a registered, active member of a Scout Troop or Varsity Team operated by an American Legion Post or auxiliary unit or the son or grandson of a member.  Information and application forms are available at https://www.legion.org/scholarships/eaglescout.  Submission deadline is March 1 each year.

The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States  offers a $5,000 scholarship, a $3,000 scholarship, and a $1,000 scholarship.  This scholarship program is open to registered, active members of Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. Applicant must have received the Eagle Scout Award, the Venturing Summit Award, the Sea Scout Quartermaster Award, or Girl Scout Gold Award and must have demonstrated exemplary citizenship in school, Scouting, and the community. Application must be submitted through a single, local VFW post.  Information is available from Veterans of Foreign Wars, 406 W. 34th St., Kansas City, Missouri 64111, 816-756-3390, https://www.vfw.org/community/youth-and-education/scout-of-the-year.

The Admiral Carey Foundation has a special program focused on Eagle Scouts and their participation in the Washington Scholars Fellowship Program, in which recipients receive 10 weeks of training in Washington, D.C., to prepare them for careers working in national and international public policy and public-related service. For more information go to http://www.admiralcareyfoundation.org/.

Several Colleges or Universities offer their own Eagle Scout Scholarship.  This information was gathered from a variety of sources and is not guaranteed.  These offerings are constantly changing so this information may be out of date.   Let me know if you find corrections to this information.  For more information, contact the financial aid offices of the following universities or schools:

  • Albright College in Reading, Pennsylvania, offers a number of $500 scholarships (renewable up to four years) for Boy Scouts.

  • Blackburn College, Carlinville, Il. Recipients of the Boy Scout Eagle Scout Award and the Girl Scout Gold Award are eligible for an award of up to $5,000 (up to $2,500 per semester), upon admission to Blackburn College. The applicant should indicate on his/her application that he/she is an Eagle Scout/Gold Recipient and provide a copy of their certificate to his/her admissions counselor for receipt of award. Applicants must complete the financial aid process, including filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The award is renewable for students that remain in good academic and work standing at Blackburn College, but cannot be combined with other forms of institutional aid. There is no limit on the number of Eagle Scout/Gold Award scholarships that Blackburn College will consider each year. https://blackburn.edu/prospective-students/financial-aid/scholarships/

  • Florida Institute of Technology, any new first-year student who has either earned the rank of Eagle Scout or achieved the Girl Scout Gold Award, and is accepted and enrolled as a full-time undergraduate at Florida Tech’s Melbourne Campus will be awarded a $2,500 scholarship per year. Students must meet the minimum Panther Fund Scholarship requirements, must indicate they either earned the rank of Eagle Scout or achieved the Girl Scout Gold Award on their application, and submit a copy of their certificate verifying their achievement. See https://catalog.fit.edu/content.php?catoid=18&navoid=1037 for more information. This link may change.

  • Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, AZ.  The Presidential Leadership Eagle Award is $300 awarded yearly to Boy Scouts who have achieved the Eagle Scout rank. Proof of achievement is required. This scholarship is renewable each year the student maintains at least a 3.0 grade-point average and is enrolled full-time (12 credit hours minimum). The award is applied to tuition only. For details, write to Scholarship Coordinator, Financial Aid Office, Grand Canyon University, 3300 West Camelback Road, Phoenix, AZ, 85017.

  • Hampden-Sydney College, Hampden-Sydney, VA. A $20,000 scholarship ($5,000 per year) is available to any accepted Eagle Scout. http://www.hsc.edu/admissions-and-financial-aid/financial-aid/types-of-aid/academic-and-leadership-awards

  • Johnson and Wales University, Providence, RI.  A $1,200 award is given to selected freshmen who have achieved the rank of Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America. For further information, contact National Student Organizations Office, Johnson & Wales University, 8 Abbot Park Place, Providence, RI 02903.

  • Missouri Valley College, Marshall, MO.  Eagle Scouts, Explorers, and Brotherhood members of the Order of the Arrow who meet admissions requirements are eligible for awards of $18,000. These awards are made in annual increments of a $5,000 scholarship and a $1,500 work-and-learn stipend over four years of study at Missouri Valley College. Missouri Valley College is a coeducational, liberal-arts college that promotes leadership in its students through the work-and-learn program and campus involvement. The college offers bachelor degrees in twenty-seven areas, including Human Service Agency Management. This program is designed for students seeking careers in Scouting and other youth or volunteer agencies. Further information on programs, admission procedures, and financial aid is available from the Director of Admissions, Missouri Valley College, 500 East College Street, Marshall, MO 65340, 816-886-6924. http://www.moval.edu/financial_aid/scholarships.php

  • New Mexico Military Institute, Roswell, NM.  The Eagle Scout John S. Bell Scholarship is open to all cadets who are active in Scouting and plan to remain so, and are Eagle Scouts. Renewal of the scholarship is contingent on the recipient maintaining a satisfactory academic record and continuing active participation in Scouting. New Mexico Military Institute offers a unique two-year commissioning program with more than $4,000 in U.S. Army ROTC monies over the two years at the institute. For information regarding these opportunities, write to Director of Admissions, New Mexico Military Institute, 101 W. College Boulevard, Roswell, NM 88201-5173. See http://cub.nmmi.edu/financialaid/documents/WebListingofScholarships.pdf.

  • North Carolina Wesleyan College, $1,000 award for Eagle Scouts. See http://ncwc.edu/scholarships/.

  • Paul Smith's College, Paul Smiths, New York. Paul Smith's College will offer a $500 scholarship to a maximum of three selected first-year students per year. The recipients must have received a national William T. Hornaday Award for distinguished service in conservation, and be admitted to attend Paul Smith's College. For further information contact Financial Aid Office, Paul Smith's College, Routes 86 and 30, Paul Smiths, NY 12970. See https://www.paulsmiths.edu/financialaid/eagle-scout-or-gold-award-scholarship/.

  • Penn State University.  The Charles and Sharon Bell Scholarship for Citizenship and Leadership is for full time students at the University Park campus.  Information is available at http://studentaffairs.psu.edu/hub/studentactivities/applications.shtml.

  • Saint Vincent College, Latrobe, PA http://www.free-4u.com/st__vincent_college_eagle_scout_award.htm.  Saint Vincent College offers automatic scholarships for Scouts. Eagle Scouts are eligible for an automatic scholarship from Saint Vincent College in a unique recognition program. Any Eagle Scout who applies for admission to Saint Vincent will be offered a $1,000 Leadership Scholarship to attend SVC. The award is $250 per year for four years of undergraduate study at the coeducational liberal-arts and science college. As a liberal-arts college, Saint Vincent recognizes the value and importance of leadership qualities in young adults. This special scholarship is designed to recognize and reward a Scout for his demonstrated leadership and achievement. Applicants who are involved in other extracurricular activities that demonstrate leadership in school, community, or church groups will be considered for larger scholarships of up to $2,500 per year.
    Students who wish to apply for this scholarship opportunity should obtain an application form from SVC and submit it with an accompanying list of activities and three letters of recommendation from Scoutmaster, guidance counselor, Clergyman, or other officials. Further information and application materials are available from the Director of Admissions and Financial Aid, Saint Vincent College, Latrobe, PA 15650.

  • Springfield College, Springfield, Massachusetts. An annual award is given from the Mortimer L. Schiff Scholarship Endowment Fund to an outstanding Scout, with the highest ideals of Scouting, who wishes to train for professional leadership in boys' work only at Springfield College. One scholarship of $600 is available on a year-to-year basis. It is renewable. Students holding scholarships are given preference over new applicants. There is no special application for this scholarship; however, students are expected to complete the regular Springfield College financial aid application process. Apply to Director of Financial Aid, Springfield College, Springfield, MA 01109.

  • Stanford University, Stanford, CA.  Dofflemyer Honors Scholarships are awarded to Scouts who are seeking a baccalaureate degree from Stanford University. The scholarships are based on financial need alone. Students applying must complete the three forms required of all Stanford undergraduates seeking financial aid: Free application for Federal Student Aid, the Financial Aid Form, which is processed by the College Scholarship Service, and Stanford's supplemental form. Proof of Eagle Scout rank should be sent with Stanford's supplemental form to the Financial Aids Office, 214 Old Union, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305. The deadline for filing is March 31 each year for returning students.

  • Syracuse University has a United Radio Service Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship Fund on Engineering, which is awarded to Girl Scouts Gold Award recipients or Eagle Scouts.

  • Texas A & M University - ROTC cadets, $2,000 ($500 per semester for four semesters).

  • University of Evansville, Evansville, Indiana.  http://www.evansville.edu/scholarships/.  The University of Evansville offers scholarships to Eagle Scouts who meet certain requirements.

  • University of Illinois Chicago, College of Pharmacy.  https://pharmacy.uic.edu/alumni-and-giving/scholarships/.  A Pharmacist and Eagle Scout Norman Garges has started a scholarship for Eagle Scouts attending his alma mater. The scholarship is worth $1,000 per year.

  • University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky. Speed School of Engineering has scholarships for Kentucky students who are Eagle Scouts.

  • Mississippi State University, Jackson, MS.  $6,000 ($1,500 per year) for entering freshmen who have attained the rank of Eagle Scout.  https://www.admissions.msstate.edu/freshmen/money-matters/scholarships/leadership-and-service-scholarships/.

  • University of Southern Mississippi, Hattisburg, MS.  for entering freshmen who have attained the rank of Eagle Scout. $1,000 annually for four years. See https://www.usm.edu/undergraduate-scholarships/freshman-designation-based-scholarships.

  • University of Mississippi (Ole Miss, University, MS.  $6,000 ($1,500 per year) for entering freshmen who have attained the rank of Eagle Scout.  https://finaid.olemiss.edu/scholarships/.  Email finaid@olemiss.edu for more information.

  • Wabash College, Alex S. Carroll and Robert J. Beck Honorary Scholarship is awarded to an incoming freshman with characteristics associated with Eagle Scouts. For more information go to https://www.wabash.edu/academics/docs/Scholarships_Prizes_Awards13.pdf.

  • Millsaps College, Jackson, MS. $60,000 over 4 years, $15,000 per year. For more information go to http://www.millsaps.edu/financial-aid/scholarships-grants-loans-students.php.

  • Waynesburg University, $2,000 over 4 years to Eagle Scouts, Gold Award recipients, and Venturing Silver scouts. http://info.waynesburg.edu/scoutscholarship.

  • West Chester University, Miles and Charlotte Hannagan Memorial Scholarship is open to undergraduate (sophomore, junior, or senior) nursing and chemistry and biology majors who are either a Girl Scout Gold, Eagle Scout, Venturing Silver or Summit award holder or Sea Scout Quartermaster. GPA for core classes will be considered. https://wcupa.scholarships.ngwebsolutions.com/scholarx_scholarshipsearch.aspx and search for "Hannagan".

  • McDaniel College, Westminster, MD.  McDaniel College, a small private liberal arts college located in central Maryland, is offering guaranteed tuition scholarships of $2,000 each to Eagle Scouts who enroll. To qualify, students must apply for admission, be accepted, and submit a copy of their Eagle Scout certificate and a letter of recommendation from their Scoutmaster. See http://catalog.mcdaniel.edu/content.php?catoid=3&navoid=146#Eagle_Scout_Gold_Award_Scholarship.

  • Whittier College, CA.  Robert L. Gifford Eagle Scout Endowment. See http://catalog.whittier.edu/content.php?catoid=1&navoid=4.

  • University of Dayton, Ohio State University, Western Carolina University, West Virginia University, Appalachian State University, Georgia Southern University, Robert Morris University, Augustana College, and Missouri Western State University have Epsilon Tau Pi chapters that offer the Soaring Eagles Scholarship. These scholarships recognize one incoming freshman each year at each school who is an Eagle Scout, has demonstrated leadership ability in Scouting, and has a strong record of community participation beyond Scouting. See http://epsilontaupi.org/soaring-eagle-scholarship/ for more information.

  • Other Colleges and Universities offer Scholarships to Eagle Scouts. Be sure to check with the admission of financial aid department of any school you are considering.

The National Catholic Committee on Scouting offers the Emmett J. Doerr Memorial Distinguished Scout Scholarship.  Each year, the National Catholic Committee on Scouting awards scholarships to six outstanding Catholic high-school seniors who are currently registered and active in Boy Scouting, Varsity Scouting, or Venturing. Applicant must have earned the Eagle Scout Award or the Silver Award; have earned the Ad Altare Dei or Pope Pius XII religious emblem; have held a Scouting leadership position; and have served in his home parish.  The awards are $2,000 each.  The application deadline is March 1.  For more information go to http://www.nccs-bsa.org/index.php/college-scholarship.

http://www.jewishscouting.org/eagle-scout-scholarship-programs/, information on scholarships for Eagle Scouts of the Jewish faith.

Chester M. Vernon Memorial Eagle Scout Scholarship Program – The recipient of the Chester M. Vernon Memorial Eagle Scout Scholarship will receive a $1,000 scholarship per year for four years. Applicants must demonstrate financial need.

Rick Arkans Eagle Scout Scholarship Program – The recipient of this scholarship will receive a one-time $1,000 scholarship. Applicants must demonstrate financial need.

Frank L. Weil Memorial Eagle Scout Scholarship Program – The recipient of the Frank L. Weil Memorial Eagle Scout Scholarship will receive a $1,000 scholarship. Two second-place scholarship awards will be given in the amount of $500 each.

http://www.eocs.org/, information for Eastern Orthodox Scouts, including Eagle Scout scholarships.

While not technically an Eagle Scout Scholarship, the Camp Fire Conservation Fund awards a $10,000 scholarship each year to one (of about a half dozen each year) of the Hornaday Silver Medal recipients. For more information see https://www.campfirefund.org/bsahornaday-silvermedal-scholarship/.

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If you have comments or questions about this website, send me an e-mail.

This web site is a work-in-progress.  If you find any mistakes, links that don't work, typos, or other inaccuracies, please let me know.  If you have any suggestions of additional material that would be helpful to Scouts in earning their Eagle rank, I would always appreciate your input (Tom@Stalnaker.com).

Web page last updated 1/6/2025