The Eagle Leadership Service Project Process


Before you even pick a project, you need to learn what the whole project process is about.  Follow these steps to learn what you will need to do.

  • Go through this web site thoroughly.  Download and read as much information as possible.  

  • Talk to others who have been through the process before you.  

  • Meet with your Scoutmaster.  Ask him if your troop has someone specifically assigned to be an advisor to Eagle candidates.  If not, ask him to help find one. Work very closely with that person through the whole process.  

  • Download the Chester County Council Eagle Scout Handbook.  That document includes links to download the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, the Eagle Scout Rank Application, and other forms and documents you will need.  You will need all of these documents, and other forms referred to in the Handbook as you go through the Eagle Scout process.

  • NOTE: The above handbook specifically refers to handling the paperwork in the Chester County Council, BSA.  Check with your Council, District, or Troop for instructions on how to submit your paperwork in other councils.

  • Download the Parents Guide and review it with your parents and Scout leaders.

  • Study the material on this web site.  There is helpful information here about each step in the process, from finding a project through completing the paperwork..

  • Attend a Life to Eagle Seminar.  Click here for more information, or check with your Scoutmaster or District Advancement Chairman.

Outside References for Additional Information

In addition to the information on this web site, there are many other sources of useful information.  Keep in mind that web sites maintained by other councils or districts may have outdated information, or describe specific procedures that differ from the procedures used in the Chester County Council.  There are additional references on other pages of this web site.

  • Boy Scout Requirements Book, 2016 or later edition.  This book lists the latest official requirements.  Note that the requirement and process have changed and previous editions list the old requirement.  New editions come out each year in January  The section on service projects lists the specific restrictions on what is or is not an acceptable type of project.  This information is also included in other information on this web site.

  • Your Scoutmaster, Eagle Advisor, or Project Coach within the troop

  • District Advancement Chairman, especially if you have questions about specific procedures and requirements.

Find a Project

Once you understand the entire process, you need to find a project.  See the section on finding a project for ideas of sources, types of projects, and potential organizations you could do a project for. 

Write Your Proposal

Once you have identified the right project for you, write the proposal in the proposal section of the workbook.  This must be approved by the five people (including you) listed at the end of the Proposal section. You need to be prepared to convince these five people that you will be able to successfully Plan, Develop, and give Leadership to this project.

Prepare the Detailed Plan For Your Project

Once you have selected a project idea, written your proposal, and had it approved, you need to turn that idea into a detailed plan.  For many Scouts, this is the most difficult part of the project, and for most, it is the part that is unlike anything they have done before.  Follow the instructions in the workbook and in the planning section of this web site carefully.  There is lots of helpful information available to you on this web site and in the Chester County Council Eagle Scout Handbook.  They will lead you through the process step by step.  Using one of the checklists described in the handbook may prove very helpful in this process.  If you follow the instructions carefully, you will be  ready to be successful with your project.  You should work carefully with your troop's Eagle Project Coach through this process.

Carry Out Your Project

Once you have finished your plan, you are off to carry it out.  While challenging, you have done service projects before and this is only different in that you are leading your peers rather than just doing the work.  Be sure you are keeping the records you will need to complete the report.  Again, the details of what you need to do are all described on this web site.

Finish the Paperwork

The Eagle Board of Review will have the responsibility of finally approving your project as carried out.  In most cases, all they will know about your project is what you show them in your final report.  Be sure it is complete and the very best you can do.  The report should be in the workbook, with all parts filled out as detailed in the workbook and on this web site.  This report should represent your best effort, at least on par with the kind of work you would present at school for a yearlong project and would expect an A+ grade on.  Remember, this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and you need to demonstrate that you are ready to join the top 2% who are the ones that make it to the Eagle rank.

Request your reference letters and complete the remaining paperwork.  The paperwork is all delivered to your Scoutmaster at the Scoutmaster Conference, who will submit the application to the Council office.

Once the application has been certified by the council office, your Scoutmaster will then deliver the certified application, Workbook, and reference letters to the chairman of your board of review.  Only then can the Scoutmaster call the board chairman and schedule your Board of Review.

There are checklists and forms in the Handbook to help you through this paperwork process.

Board of Review

Once all of the paperwork has been delivered to the chair of your board of review, your board of review can be scheduled.  Check with your Scoutmaster about how to get this scheduled.

Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Time Line

Since projects vary so widely, it is difficult to give a typical time line.  In any case you should anticipate about 6 to 12 months to plan and carry out your Eagle Project.  This is especially important to consider if you are approaching, or already past, your 17th birthday.  Many steps will depend on other’s schedules, such as when the next monthly Township Supervisor’s or Parks and Recreation board meeting, your troop’s next committee meeting, vacations of key people, or when you can next meet with the District Advancement Committee.  Most steps also depend on what priority you give your Eagle project, and what other commitments you have.  These are very rough time estimates.  This overall schedule assumes that by the time the project is done, you have completed all the other requirements.

Come up with idea.  Discuss project concept with Scoutmaster or Eagle Advisor.  Work out exact requirements with organization that will benefit. 3-5 weeks
Preliminary planning, produce rough draft of proposal. 2-4 weeks
Review proposal draft with Project  and produce revised proposal.  This process may be repeated several times. 1-4 weeks
Get approval from organization that the project benefits. 1-2 weeks
Get approval of Scoutmaster. 1 week
Get approval of Troop Committee. 1-4 weeks
Get approval of District Advancement Representative. 1-3 weeks
Work with Project Coach and other resources to develop the Final Plan 6-8 weeks
Carry out the project. 4-20+ weeks
Prepare report. 1-3 weeks
Review report with Scoutmaster and Project Coach.  Revise as needed. 1-2 weeks
Schedule and hold Scoutmaster Conference 2-3 weeks
Submit application and report, processed by Local Council. 2 weeks
Schedule and hold Eagle Board of Review. 2-6 weeks
Approval from Local Council and BSA National Headquarters. 2-3 weeks
Total as shown, without adjustment for other commitments or unusual cases. 30-70 weeks

Seasonal requirements, very long project executions, governmental approvals, or other factors can significantly increase this time schedule.

Note that this total runs from 30 weeks (7 months) to 70 weeks (16 months).  A few projects have been completed in less time, and some have taken much longer.  Don’t wait until you are 17½ to start!


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If you have comments or questions about this website, send me an e-mail.

This web site is a work-in-progress.  If you find any mistakes, links that don't work, typos, or other inaccuracies, please let me know.  If you have any suggestions of additional material that would be helpful to Scouts in earning their Eagle rank, I would always appreciate your input (

Web site last updated 11/3/2022